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Image of a newly constructed house with a grey shingle roof, four dormers, and light grey siding with white trim. The roof is sloped and has a variety of pitches. The grey shingles are a classic choice that complement the light grey siding. The dormers add additional space and light to the house. The white trim provides a touch of contrast and highlights the details of the house. The overall effect is a beautiful and modern home that is sure to turn heads.

Cedar Roofing

What is Cedar Roofing?

Cedar roofing is created out of a white or red cedar which is then cut into shakes or shingles. Red cedar is the more durable of the two, it gives off a formal appearance and is typically straight grain. The white cedar is not straight grain, and growth rings are typically larger on white cedar. Read More

Roofing Services

Asphalt-Shingle Roofing

Melcher Construction has proudly installed asphalt shingles for over two decades to hundreds of homes! We are licensed and insured in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware... Read More

Slate Roofing

What is Slate Roofing?

Slate roof tiles have been used for centuries as roofing materials due to their longevity and beauty. Slate is a natural roofing product made of hard rock known as metamorphic rock. The origin of this type of rock starts deep in the earth, where heat and pressure transform minerals, clay, volcanic materials and other compounds into very dense rock. Read More

Copper Roofing

What is Copper Roofing?

Copper is a smooth, glossy, orangey-brown metal. Copper roofs used today are an alloy of two types of metal for added strength and durability, and not pure elemental copper. Copper itself is highly malleable, so it can be shaped into any design such as valleys, flashing, shingles, It can also be used on properties with challenging architectural styles. Read More

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